以下这12句就是代表。 1. “When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.” “我初次见你,一见钟情;你莞尔一笑,早已知晓。” Where it’s actually from: An 1893 ...
她和与自己相差16岁的好莱坞英俊小生艾什顿•库彻(《代表作》蝴蝶效应)的姐弟恋婚姻曾一度被传为佳话,但最后这段婚姻在维持了六年之后,还是因艾什顿•库彻偷吃而宣告破裂。 相识相恋 Ho...
“雪上加霜”,意思是在雪上还加上了一层霜(literally snow plus frost),常用来比喻接连遭受灾难(one disaster after another),损害愈加严重。与英语习语“add insult to injury”意思相近,表示“ to make a bad situation worse”。 例句: 今天早上我的车差点没发动起...
Total retail sales of consumer goods for automobiles fell 30.3% In Q1, the epidemic had a greater impact on the overall domestic economy. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the gross domestic product for Q1 was 206.5504 trill...
“来龙去脉”,汉语成语,本指山脉的走势和去向,现比喻一件事的前因后果(cause and effect of an event),可以翻译为“ins and outs,origin and development或whole story”等。 例句: 我...